Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pregnancy, child behavior and beyond

So this week has been a tough time for me. On Sunday, at 6:30 am I went outside because I realized that we forgot to take the cans off the sprinkler heads of our rainbirds. We have already had to replace three this summer due to the dog trying to bite at them and the kids kicking balls and driving cars into the. So when we are outside playing we cover them with coffee cans. So I went outside while the sprinkler was running, because it is on a timer, I took the can off and tried to run away from the sprinkler the ground was so wet and slippery that I fell foward onto my pregnant stomach and slid forward like being on a slip and slide. I'm sure anybody who was watching probably could have got a good laugh. It hurt pretty bad and I went inside to realize that my husband who works nights was to tired to even care and I tried to lay down but then my three year old woke up and was ready for breakfast and to start his day. So my belly was achy and I did not feel the baby move for a while. My doctor the next day said everything was fine. The heart beat was fine and the baby was moving the whole time I was there.

My two children ages 6 and 3 have been fighting non stop and driving me absolutely crazy. My oldest, she has been so angry and emotional this week. She gets so frusterated and automatically hurts her brother, herself or breaks something. My three year old does not help much because he likes to egg her on and irritate her more. He thinks it is funny. So then I'm stressed out because they are fighting. Sibling Rivalary what to do.

This week for family day we went to a Zoo in Folsom. It is a animal recovery zoo. So they get animals that have been injured and help them out. My sons favorites where the tigers and bears.

We also went for a little train ride while we were there and played at the park for awhile. We came home and BBQ'd hamburgers, corn and salad. It was a wonderful day.

I am in the process of trying to get an internet marketing business running from home so I can stay at home after the baby is born and get my husband to hopefully switch his shift to days so we can have more time as a family. He works six nights a week as soon as I get home from work. Plus we have alot of bills to pay for, especially hospital bills and more to come.

If any of you are successful online with a marketing business please give me some tips. I would so appreciate it.

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