My oldest daughter was 6 pounds 10 ounces 19 inches long.She was usually in the 5th percentile for weight and height. She is now 6 years old and about 46 inches tall and weighs 40 pounds. She is at the 10th percentile for weight and
at the 38th percentile for height.
My son was 7 pounds 4 ounces, 19.5 inches long. He was usually in the 50th percentile for weight and height. He is now 4 and about 36 pounds and 40 inches tall. He is at the 44th percentile for weight and at the 31st percentile for height.
My baby 7 pounds 4 ounces 19 inches she is now 4 months old and 11 pounds 5 ounces and 24.5 inches. She is at less than the 3rd percentile for weight at less than the 3rd percentile for height.
So as it appears from the few that responded to my question being small or large at birth doesn't necessarily mean a baby will be small or large later in childhood or as an adult. There are lots teenagers that began life as small babies, and the biggest baby can grow up to be a petite adult.
Parents Size. Tall parents may have larger-than-average newborns; short parents may have smaller-than-average newborns.
Multiple births. If you're having twins, triplets, or more, you can count on your babies being relatively small. Multiples not only have to share their growing space in the uterus, they also are often born early, which leads to small size at birth.
Birth order. First babies are sometimes smaller than brothers or sisters born later.
Gender. Girls tend to be smaller, boys larger, but the differences are slight at birth.
Mother's health during pregnancy. Factors that can lead to a lower birth weight include a mother's highblood pressure, heart problems, or use of cigarettes, alcohol, or illegal drugs during the pregnancy. If the mother has diabetes, the baby may have a higher birth weight. All conditions that can affect a baby's weight should be closely monitored by the mother's doctor. In addition, women should not smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs during pregnancy.
Nutrition during pregnancy. Proper nutrition is essential for a baby's growth in the uterus and beyond. A poor diet during pregnancy can affect how much a newborn weighs and how the infant grows.
Baby's health. Medical problems, including some birth defects and certain infections acquired during the pregnancy, can affect a child's birth weight and later growth.
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