Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Learn How to Lose Pregnancy Weight

by David_G_Reynolds

Best wishes on your first, third or even eight kid!! Well done on surviving those 9 long months where that tiny one inside you kicked and attempted to demolish your body. Now that a bulk of you time is taken up by your child or children, how are you going to lose that pregnancy weight?? In this piece we'll go through various methods and tips to get you out of maternity wear and back into your old jeans.

Start using free weights as a replacement for of weight machines:

Using free weights and/or body weight for your resistance training requires much more balance than you might grasp. While doing this, your using more than only the target muscles. Balance and stability are also going on at the same time engaging a number of different muscles. End result being more calories burned with no additional time spent in the gym.

Ultimately Get Back Into Your Pre-pregnancy Skinny Jeans!!

Combine multiple muscle groups in the same exercise:

Here we are going to "Get more bang for your buck." Well this is precisely what we're referring to here. You don't have time to isolate and work out each distinct muscle in your body. And for a new mother this type of training is totally uncalled for. So instead of doing leg extensions, do squats, which works your whole leg, not only your quadriceps. In place of performing pushdowns and kickbacks, complete a bench press or several dips. These exercises work chest triceps and shoulders at the same time.

Do a super set:

A super set is doing numerous exercises in a row without rest, only to take a short rest after the set is completed. This burns tons of calories and speeds up your workout. You can do the same muscle groups if you prefer, but if you get too exhausted try and alternate between two different muscles groups. Case in point being: pushups, straight to curls, then to shoulder press, then you get a rest. This keeps you heart rate elevated for longer and keeps your workouts short and efficient.

Should I do more or less reps??

Although high reps does require more work, research has revealed that the best range lies between 8 to 12 repetitions. It is this sum that is best for building lean muscle. Lean muscle is especially vital to weight loss specially post pregnancy. Lean muscle increases your metabolism and helps burn body fat. High repetitions have been praised for years but it really isn't the key. You shouldn't do your cardio in the weight room. Reasonable weight in this range will help you build that lean strong body you want.

Rest time between sets? 30-60 Seconds:

To many this might not appear like adequate rest time, but true be told there are huge benefits to keeping your rest time below a

minute. Most importantly it helps you maintain an elevated heart rate, while letting you at least catch your breath. Next, it will teach your muscles to recover quicker which in the future will help you speed up your workout and get out of the gym sooner.

Full Body Workouts:

Our body works in unison with all the different systems and particularly muscle groups. For instance, when you bend down to pick up all the toys on the ground, you're working a range of diverse muscles. So if you've taken the time to in fact goto the gym, you want to make sure you're working every one of the key muscle groups. Doing this will stop you from having to get the gym five times a week for each muscle group.

All you need is a 3 day a week total body workout for fantastic results.

Cardio PLUS Strength Training:

Yes, Cardio is a key part to weight loss especially post partum. But a strength training program is required to get rid of that extra body fat that was brought on by your pregnancy. W

eight training increases your calorie output when exercising and also lean muscle burns calories when you're resting....what could be better than that?

These tips will save you time at the gym, and actually teach you how to lose pregnancy weight fast and proficiently.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE has lots of great tips as well.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Project Organization

I have to return back to work next week. I had 12 weeks off for maternity leave. I am really sad about it. This week I have been organizing before I go back to work and start school again.

While I was pregnant I organized this whole house, all 937 square feet of it, to make room for family member number 6. We count the dog. I got rid of so much stuff. Some I am a little sad I got rid of because I have found uses for them now. For example my college text books, the college would not buy back from me, I have found out that AMAZON
will they pay up to $40 for them and the shipping and handeling. I got rid of over 20 books. Oh well to late now. Somebody else is probably making money on them.

I have to organize my kids room every 2 weeks or once a month. It can be very frusterating. So this time around with a little bit of help from AMAZON

This is what their closet looked like before organizing.

I know what a mess. It drives me CRAZY!

I ordered some boxes and magazine containers from AMAZON

The boxes and magazine holders have a spot to make a label on them. So now there is a place for everything. We will see how long this stays clean. I hoping for awhile since I will not be having too much time on my hands soon.

For more info on organizing see this website now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Successful Parenting at Your Fingertips

I have a couple of books that I often refer to for help when communicating with my children. I have to read them alot to reiterate the message to myself.
So often when my kids are fighting or whining I just want to yell at them and send them to their room. The yelling never helps it sometimes just makes things worse because the kids are now crying more or acting out more, then I am getting madder. If I over react to a situation I often feel guilty and go to bed crying.
One book is called Scream Free Parenting. This book makes you focus on yourself first. I got this book as an audio version and I listen to it when I am driving.

This is another great resource for having a positive influence on your children. I bought this one to as an audio version. The techniques in this book are for parents who have older children. It was not very beneficial to me now but I will save it for the future.

Here are two great books that help with speaking to your children effectively. I really enjoyed the way that they give examples and explain how to handle situations. Although not all situations in life are not like the book. But they give great guidelines to follow. These are two that I often refer back to.

This one I threw in because I own it but I have only read a little bit. I really need to dive in and read it because my two older kids fight ALL the time.

Please feel free to recommend any books or resources you have that can help other parents.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Mouths Of Tots

My kids are so funny sometimes. I am trying to remember everything that they have ever said but it is a little hard. I am sure everybody has lots of stories of funny phrases, words or questions their children have said. Please share them with us in the comments section.

Right after I gave birth to my third child in September my other two children came to visit me at the hospital a couple of hours after my baby was born. My oldest asked my mom "if the baby is here how come mommy is still so fat?"

This past summer when we went to the Farmer's Market. I was walking around with my kids and my 3 year old said "Why is there no trash cans with all of this food around?" I looked around and did not see any trash cans. This may not be that funny but he is very perceptive.

Lately all my son wants to talk about is "poop" and "fat weiner". Everything is "poop" or "fat weiner". If I ask him what he learned at school today he says either "poop" or "fat weiner" and when he talks to anyone he calls them one of the too. It can be quite embarrassing when someone is talking to him and those are his answers.

Please share your stories about your children. I would love to hear them.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

To Discipline or not to Discipline

I was just reading an article about spanking your child in public when they are misbehaving.
It is really tough in this day and age. People are so judgmental, they look at you and criticize when they do not even know the whole situation. Most of them are not parents themselves or else they would not be judging or criticizing. I know when I am out and I see a child acting out, I am so thankful because then I know that I am not the only mom who has a child that acts like that. I also feel a little comforted in the fact that I am not the only mom who goes through it. Okay and so the thought also crosses my mind, "I'm glad it's not mine." How many of you parents have ever said that when you see a child throwing a full blown temper tantrum? Why is it when another child is throwing a temper tantrum it does not seem as bad as a situation as when it is your child? It is because you are not emotionally involved and suffering the eyes and ridicule that is being placed upon you.
Okay so back to the question. Is it okay to spank your child?
Spanking is a form of discipline to place on your child. People view it as beating your child. They get Child Protection Services on the phone in a heart beat. Some people have had there children taken away for spanking them.
To go further from spanking, what about those people that butt in at the store when you are yelling at your child. Has America become that we are not allowed to discipline our children. I understand verbally abusing your child is not okay, but telling your child that they are not behaving and if they do not straighten up then they will be going to bed early to night, or what ever type of punishment you give your child. I think that is totally okay. Sometimes the situation is that you have been in Walmart for way to long dealing with the crowded isles and rude people, while the whole time listening to your child whine and throw little tantrums, when finally you have come to your whits end.
If we do not discipline our children what type of children do they become. Some feel that they just want to be there child's best friend and think they should learn discipline elsewhere. When I was at work the other day, my co-worker mentioned that there were some things she did not teach her child or talk about with him because she did not want to go there and was hoping that he learned it at school. One of the topics was sex education, another one was cheating.
Maybe some parents don't want to think of there children of doing anything bad so they do not want to talk to them about it. I was watching an episode of Wife Swap and this lady had 4 boys that where completely disrespectful, wild and misbehaved any where they went. The parents said they never wanted to see there kids unhappy so they let them do what ever they wanted and never wanted to punish them.
So many children act as though they can do anything and are so disrespectful of there teachers and other adults. When I was a child we only called adults by there last name. (Mrs. or Mr. Smith, for example). My kids preschool teachers have them call them by first name. It bugs my dad and he tries to in force to my children that grown ups are Mr. or Mrs.
Many parents just want to be there child's best friend. They do not take responsibility for their child's actions. I do not agree with spanking your child but I do think they need to know that there are consequences to their actions and it is important to follow through. I do have to admit there have been times when spanking has crossed my mind and a good thump ends up happening.
I hate when I hear a parent making threats constantly and not following through. "If you don't stop you are going to be put in time out." So you say that to your child about 10 times while they are doing the action. They are going to know that mom/dad doesn't follow through and they are just talking, so whatever.
Kids need routine, they need structure, they need guidelines. The discipline does not have to be spanking, yelling or any kind of negative punishment. There are alternatives. I believe they need to be able to make choices and they are accountable for their choices. If they do not want to clean their room explain to them that they have a choice. They can clean their room or they can choose to not watch TV later on in the evening. If they do not clean their room explain to them that they made the choice to not watch TV and they need to find something else to do. Positive discipline is important. Using reward charts for good behavior. Praising your child when they are doing things you want them to do. If you focus all your energy on their bad behavior and never praise them when they are behaving and doing good things they will think you do not care about the good behavior. Children want your attention whether it is positive or negative.
I would love feed back on this topic. Please leave comments.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Naturally Induce Labor

Every pregnant woman’s wish is for them to have a less difficult and painful labor, a safe delivery and of course, the most important thing is to have a healthy baby. Presently, there are ways to help mothers get through the process of child birth in better circumstances.
The natural way of initiating labor is the best option for pregnant women who are on their advanced stage of pregnancy, compared to medical inductions, which have harmful side effects, such as prolonged labor time that can lead to complications and caesarian section delivery, more painful labor contractions and stressed fetal heart beat. Dr. Lena Leino, an expert in childbirth and also a maternity acupressure specialist, has written a book entitled “Easier, Shorter and Safer Birth.” Here she enumerated all the methods and techniques in inducing labor naturally. According to her, relaxing, walking, lovemaking, labor acupressure, herbs and oils, and some food are ideal to initiate labor. Maternity or labor acupressure is a very simple, easy to follow hands-on technique. For the reason that, it is just about putting pressure on the relevant body points, and nothing more, you don’t need to have any experience or specific skill in order to treat acupressure points effectively. You just have to make sure that you have consulted your health expert prior to applying this method. Giving birth to a child is a wonderful and a very important event for a mother. Maternity acupressure will help you make a remarkable improvement in your birthing process, not only does it aid in alleviating women from labor pains, it also reduce anxiety and fear, especially for first time moms. In addition, it is also proven to be the safest and the most effective way of inducing labor naturally. So don’t take any chances learn more about maternity acupressure now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Successful Parenting Tips: How To Increase Your Chances Of Raising Successful Children

Every parent's goal is to raise successful children. In fact, most of us hope to raise children that are more successful than we are, no matter how successful we may be in our lives. By following these simply parenting tips, you are likely to raise very happy and successful children that will get the most out of life.

Parenting Tips #1: Encourage Independence

As a parent, your first instinct is to intervene and save your child from all of the ills of the world. In order to raise a successful child, however, you need to allow your child to become independent. This requires teaching your child as much as possible and then standing back to allow him or her to make decisions and to live with the consequences. For example, if your child has a demanding assignment to complete at school,allow him or her to work through the project rather than completing it for him or her.
Even video games can help teach your child independence. If your child becomes frustrated because he or she can't get through a certain level, don't ask an older brother or sister to do it for your child. Rather, encourage your child to keep trying until he or she can get it without help. This way, your child learns that he or she can achieve anything with a little hard work and practice.

Parenting Tips #2: Teach Responsibility

There are a number of different ways that you can teach responsibility to your child. One way is to teach your child to follow through with the decisions that he or she makes. For example, if your child decides to sign up for a sports team and then later decides that he or she isn't interested in the sport, you can teach responsibility by insisting that your child complete the season. If your child doesn't want to join the team next year, that is fine. But, he or she needs to learn the importance of keeping true to a commitment by staying on the team for the current season.

Responsibility can also be taught by giving your child regular household chores to complete. The types of chores will vary according to your child's age. But, even a two year old can learn to clean up his or her toys.
Parenting Tips #3: Demonstrate Compassion

In order to raise a successful child, you also need to be a positive role model that demonstrates compassion. In addition, encourage your child to help you as you help others. For example, if your child has a toy that he or she know longer plays with or clothes that no longer fit, go together to donate them to the poor. When the school has food drives for the local food pantry, be sure to send some cans of food to school with your child. The more your child sees you helping others and the more opportunities you give your child to be compassionate, the more likely your child will be to continue this behavior has an adult.

By educating your child about the world, teaching responsibility, encouraging independence, and demonstrating compassion, you will certainly raise a very successful child that will have a strong, positive influence on the rest of the world.
Read the best parenting tips yet. Download your copy of: Smart Parenting, at Improve-Reading-Skills.Com. At Improve Reading Skills, you learn how to develop strong and successful children in all aspects of life.


Ways to Be a Work From Home Mom

Getting paid to fill out surveys is one very quick and easy way that thousands are using to make money on line. The great thing is that anyone can get paid to fill out surveys, which makes them ideal for stay at home moms, retirees, students, really anyone at all with a computer and an internet connection can get paid for surveys.

Online market research companies are looking for people from every demographic to take surveys, so it doesn't matter about your gender, education, your race or your income. If you have an opinion the research companies will be happy to pay you for it.

The only possible restriction you'll find is one on age. A good number of the market research companies won't accept people under the age of 18, but some do take people as young as 13 to fill out surveys and get paid. What a great part time job for a teen! At 13 you can't get a regular part time job, but you can get paid to fill out surveys. And since most teens are online a good amount of time this is a perfect fit. Add to that the fact that market research companies desperately need teen survey takers and this is a great opportunity.

This rest of this article will share 5 tips that will help you to get paid to fill out surveys.

1. Sign up with as many paid survey companies (see below for recommended sites) as possible. This is by far the most important tip when it comes to getting paid to fill out surveys. By joining so many survey companies you also make sure that you get plenty of paid surveys. This gives you the chance to choose which surveys are best for you and get paid more or at least maximize your time usage.

2. Use a form filler program like Roboform. This will save you hours of time since you won't have to manually fill out all of the registration and profile forms for each survey company. The forms usually aren't that long, but if you are going to sign up with over a hundred paid survey companies you'll really appreciate the time you save by using an automated form filler. These programs can fill out a form for you up to 95% faster than by hand and that is a serious time savings. Use that extra time to get paid to fill out a survey or three. I would have given up a long time ago without Roboform.

3. After registering go back to the companies site, sign in and complete your profile with them. Until you complete your profile the survey company doesn't know which surveys you are eligible for. This could mean that they don't send you any surveys at all or it could mean that they send you irrelevant surveys that you won't qualify for. Either way it's bad news for you and until you fix it you won't get paid for any surveys. Take 5-10 minutes to make sure the survey companies have the information they need to send you the correct surveys.

4. When you're starting out make sure you complete all of the surveys sent to you. I know some of them won't pay you at all and you'll want to skip them in favor of the surveys that pay, but there is a good reason for doing the surveys this way. In the beginning the market research companies are just getting to know you and they send these beginning surveys as a way to tell if you will be a good respondent for them. Do a good job now and they will start to send you better paying surveys in the future. Most people drop out at this point, but now that you know this make sure you stick with it. It should only take a month or maybe two for some survey companies to prove to them you're reliable. That's when you'll really start to get paid to fill out surveys.

5. Now that you've gotten this far make sure that you're checking you're email regularly. You don't have to live in your inbox (although some people do), but you should be checking your email several times a day. You'll be getting your paid survey invitations in your email and some of them fill up fast, especially the ones that pay well. If you don't check your email regularly there's a good chance that you'll miss the best surveys because they will already have filled up and closed.

Be persistent and be patient. Sometimes it takes a month or two for things to really get rolling with paid surveys online, but once they do you'll be glad that you stuck it out. Follow these 5 paid survey tips and you'll already be ahead of 95% of people who are trying to get paid to fill out surveys.

Check out these three survey companies and get started making money.


The author is a paid survey expert and has been taking paid surveys and instructing others how to get paid for surveys for over a year.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Baby Sleep Issues - Successful Parenting

Baby sleep basics: Birth to 3 months

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

Typical sleep patterns at this age

Newborns sleep a lot — typically 14 to 18 hours a day during the first week and 12 to 16 hours a day by the time they're a month old. But most babies don't stay asleep for more than two to four hours at a time, day or night, during the first few weeks of life.

The result? Lots of sleep for your baby and a very irregular — and tiring — schedule for you. Your job is to respond to your newborn's cues, so you'll probably be up several times during the night to change, feed, and comfort him.

What's going on
Baby sleep cycles are far shorter than those of adults, and babies spend more time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is thought to be necessary for the extraordinary development happening in their brain. REM sleep is lighter than non-REM sleep, and more easily disrupted.

All this unpredictability is a necessary phase for your baby and it doesn't last long — though it may seem like an eternity when you're sleep-deprived.

What's next
At 6 to 8 weeks of age, most babies begin to sleep for shorter periods during the day and longer periods at night, though most continue to wake up to feed during the night. They also have shorter periods of REM sleep, and longer periods of deep, non-REM sleep.

Somewhere between 3 and 6 months, experts say, most babies are capable of sleeping through the night. They're not talking about eight hours, though — they generally mean a stretch of five or six hours.

Some infants sleep for a long stretch at night as early as 6 weeks, but many babies don't reach that milestone until they're 5 or 6 months old and some continue to wake up at night into toddlerhood. You can help your baby get there sooner, if that's your goal, by teaching him good sleep habits from the start.

How you can establish good sleep habits

Here are some tips for helping your baby settle down to sleep:

Learn the signs that mean he's tired.
For the first six to eight weeks, most babies aren't able to stay up much longer than two hours at a time. If you wait longer than that to put your baby down, he may be overtired and have trouble falling asleep.

Watch your baby for signs that he's tired. Is he rubbing his eyes, pulling on his ear, or developing faint dark circles under his eyes? If you spot these or any other signs of sleepiness, try putting him down to sleep. You'll soon develop a sixth sense about your baby's daily rhythms and patterns, and you'll know instinctively when he's ready for a nap.

Begin to

teach him the difference between day and night.
Some infants are night owls (something you may have gotten a hint of during pregnancy) and will be wide awake just when you want to hit the hay. For the first few days you won't be able to do much about this. But once your baby is about 2 weeks old, you can start teaching him to distinguish night from day.

When he's alert and awake during the day, interact with him as much as you can, keep the house and his room light and bright, and don't worry about minimizing regular daytime noises like the phone, TV, or dishwasher. If he tends to sleep through feedings, wake him up.

At night, don't play with him when he wakes up. Keep the lights and noise level low, and don't spend too much time talking to him. Before long he should begin to figure out that nighttime is for sleeping.

Consider starting a bedtime routine.
It's never too early to start trying to follow a bedtime routine. It can be something as simple as getting your baby changed for bed, singing a lullaby, and giving him a kiss goodnight.

Give him a chance to fall asleep on his own.
By the time he's 6 to 8 weeks old, you can start giving your baby a chance to fall asleep on his own. How? Put him down when he's sleepy but still awake, suggests Jodi Mindell, associate director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and author of Sleeping T

hrough the Night.

Mindell advises against rocking or nursing your baby to sleep, even at this young age. "Parents think that what they do this early doesn't have an effect," she says, "but it does. Babies are learning their sleep habits. If you rock your child to sleep every night for the first eight weeks, why would he expect anything different later on?"

Not everyone agrees with this strategy, however. Some parents choose to rock or nurse their babies to sleep because they believe it's normal and natural, because they enjoy it and their baby is thriving and sleeping well, or simply because nothing else seems to work.


Get Baby To Sleep Through The Night

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Successful Parenting Tips - Child Anger Management

Guidelines for Successful Parents

From a number of research studies plus Tavris, the following guidelines are suggested for building child self-control and self-esteem.

1. Learn to deal with your own and others' anger.

When parents discipline out of anger or with expectations that are inappropriate for the age of their child, they often make mistakes in the way they react. The place to begin is with ourselves. When we feel calm, we can model effective anger and conflict management. Example: "I'm so angry at you right now for dumping your cereal all over the clean floor, I feel like hitting you. But I don't hit, so I'm going to leave and come back when I've calmed down."

2. Distract or redirect the child.

When a child is misbehaving, a calm parent can sometimes re-direct the child's behavior. Example: "Here's a bowl of warm water. Let's put it outside where you can splash all you want."

3. Be prompt and brief with discipline.

One technique you can use is to pick up and remove your small child from the room immediately and isolate him or her for two to five minutes. This also gives you time to get in control of your emotions. Two to five minutes are enough; lecturing is unnecessary. In rare circumstances, it may be helpful to physically hold the child. Be consistent in enforcing rules, especially with older, school-age children. Example: "I'm putting you in your room for 'time out' until you calm down and are ready to talk again." "I want you to go to your room now and stay there until you are ready to come out and use words to ask for what you want rather than spitting on people."

4. Try to discover the reason for your child's anger or temper tantrum.

What does he or she want and is not getting? The reasons children have temper tantrums vary: to get attention, get someone to listen, protest not getting their way, get out of doing something they do not want to do, punish a parent for going away, for power, for revenge, from fear of abandonment, etc. Let the child know the behavior is unacceptable. Talk calmly. Example: "Now that we're out of the store and we've both had a chance to calm down, let's talk. I think you were mad at me that I said no to buying the candy you wanted. Is that right?" ... "It is OK for you to be angry at me, but kicking, screaming and yelling that you want candy won’t work. It won’t get me to buy you the candy.”

5. Avoid shaming your child about being angry.

Children in healthy families are allowed to express all their feelings, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.They are not criticized or punished for having and expressing feelings appropriately, including anger. Some research studies have found that parents' shaming their child's anger can negatively affect their child's willingness to relieve distress in others (10). Example: "You look and sound angry right now. I'd feel angry too if someone messed up my coloring like she messed up yours."

6. Teach children about intensity levels of anger.

By using different words to describe the intensity of angry feelings (e.g., annoyed, aggravated, irritated, frustrated, angry, furious, enraged), children as young as 2 1/2 can learn to understand that anger is a complex emotion with different levels of energy (10). Example: "I was annoyed when I had a hot meal ready and all of you were late for dinner." "That man was so angry -- I think he was enraged after someone spray painted his business with graffiti."

7. Set clear limits and high expectations for anger management, appropriate for your child's age, abilities, and temperament.

As parents, we will be angry all the time if we expect our 1-year-old to be toilet trained, our 2-year-old to use 5-year-old words rather than have a temper tantrum, our shy 8-year-old to be a life-of-the-party magician, and our low self-esteem 15-year-old to snap out of her depressed "funk" and run for Student Council President. Example: "While I want you to know it's OK to feel angry, it's not OK to hit others!" "I expect you to help with chores, control your anger without hitting, biting or spitting. I expect you to be honest and thoughtful of others, do your best in school, ask for what you want, and treat others as you would like to be treated."

8. Notice, compliment and reward appropriate behavior.

Teaching your child to do the right things is better (and easier) than constantly punishing bad behavior. Children who get a steady diet of attention only for bad behavior tend to repeat those behaviors because they learn that is the best way to get our attention, especially if we tend to be overly authoritarian. Example: "I really liked the way you asked Uncle Charlie to play ball with you." "Thanks, Ebony, for calling me beforehand and asking if you could change your plans and go over to your friend's house after school."

9. Maintain open communication with your child.

Consistently and firmly enforce rules and explain the reasons for the rules in words your child can understand. Still, you can listen well to your child's protests about having to take a national test or measles shot. Example: "Sounds like you are angry at the school rule that says you can't wear shorts, sandals and tank tops to school."

10. Teach understanding and empathy by calling your child's attention to the effects of his or her actions on others.

Invite the child to see the situation from the other person's point of view. Healthy children feel remorse when they do something that hurts another. Authoritative discipline helps them develop an internal sense of right and wrong. Remember, a little guilt goes a long way, especially with a child. Example: "Let's see if we can figure out what happened. First she did her 'nah, nah, nah routine.' Next, I saw you take her doll. Then she came and hit you, and you hit her back."


Monday, September 28, 2009

New Baby in the House

We had our baby last Wednesday, September 23 at 4:15 am. I had a natural labor and it went real quick. We had a girl 7 pounds 4 ounces and 19 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful. We are all adjusting well. My 6 year old and 4 year old absolutely love her and are so helpful. She sleeps well and eats well.

So now I need to focus on my Successful Parenting website and give some updates and useful articles.

Click Here For Helping Baby Sleep Through The Night!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Parenting - Daily Struggle

I struggle daily on whether or not I am being a good parent and whether or not I am raising my children to be strong individuals. It is so hard to stay in control when your children are challenging your sanity. I am listening to an audio series called Scream Free Parenting by Hal Runkel, LMFT. It teaches you to begin with your self and get yourself in the right place. If you have issues handle them first before handling the behavior issues you wish to address with your child. I have trouble with this because I feel like I am being selfish if I take time to be by myself or do things for myself. I believe a lot of moms feel this way. We feel like if we are not always there for our families then we are not doing our job.
I often find myself trying to keep my cool and not lash out on my kids. Especially at night. We have a nightly routine. We get in jammies, we brush our teeth, we have mellow time for a little while, then we read books and then it is bedtime. Bedtime is a horrible experience every night. My kids cry and say they don't love me and I am so mean to them and I do not let them do anything. They'll say things like I do not love them and stuff and then it is crying for quite along time. Mainly my six year old. My three year old it is only for a few minutes and then he stays in his bed. But my six year old she will throw things,cry really loud and hurt herself. I feel bad for my son because he has to listen to her. Last night I let him sleep on the couch and that made her even more mad.
When they are saying these things and throwing fits. I just want to freak out on them right back. It is really hard to walk away from them. I have found myself saying You think I do not do anything for you? I can show you how I do not do anything for you? Or I can show you how I do not allow you to do anything?
I do not believe that is helpful but sometimes it is really hard to control your emotions and reactions.
I get scared sometimes that I am about to have three soon. My husband and I work opposite shifts so he is not home at night , 6 nights a week. So I feel like I am going to have it in for me soon when I have three crying at bedtime.
I know this is not much of an advice post but maybe more of a venting post.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Drop your Pregnancy Weight

Many women have trouble losing their pregnancy pounds. Some think that right after the baby is born the pregnancy pounds will all go away. For some women it works that way and they only gain the pregnancy pounds in their tummy and lose it right away to be right back to their skinny selves. But for a lot of us women we gained weight all over.

One thing to realize is losing the weight will not happen overnight. It took nine months to gain the weight so it will take some time to lose it.
Consider breast feeding. This burns several calories a day plus it produces a hormone called prolactin which helps to shrink your uterus back to normal size faster. I know when I breast fed my first two babies. I would get so thirsty and hungry. I knew my calories where burning. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids and choose healthy snacks.
Take your baby for walks. This will be a great way to get outside and burn calories. You can also join or start a mommy / walking group. Where a group of new moms get together to walk the babies and get some excersise and adult interaction.
Choose your meals wisely. Make sure you eat healthy and watch your calories. If you eat more veggies, fruits and whole grains you will feel full quicker and longer. Start your morning out with a whole grain cereal and fruit. Keep veggies on hand for snacks. Do not skip meals. Just choose healthy options. Stop eating when you feel full.
Do not deprive yourself. I am a big fan of eating what you want. If you want to eat a cookie eat it. But do not eat to many. Watch your calories and portions. If you deprive yourself of your favorite foods, especially while dieting then you want to over indulge when you get a chance to eat it.
Drink plenty of water. Sometimes when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty. When you feel hungry drink some water first and see if you are still hungry. Water also helps to flush the toxins out of your body and help you stay hydrated.
Click Here to Visit StripThatFat.com

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dealing with Sibling Rivalry - Kids Fighting

Sibling Rivalry - Do your kids get along all the time? If they do you are extremely lucky. My kids fight all the time. They have a serious love-hate relationship. They call each other names and they hit and hurt each other. My son loves to push my daughters buttons and irritate her like crazy. He will find something she doesn't like. For example if saying the word "Pooh Pooh" is bugging her he will say it again and again, following her around the house. She then freaks out yelling and screaming and eventually hurting him.
When ever my son is playing by himself my daughter has to come over and take over on what he is playing with and start bossing him around. They have to fight over who got served their dinner first, what to watch on tv, toys they are playing with and so on. They are competing for toys and attention. It is very exhausting and stressful.
So many times I try and just let them work it out themselves, but that can be very difficult sometimes, especially if you do not want anybody getting hurt and than dealing with the crying. Sometimes there needs to be some parent intervention. I try to be fair when I intervene and listen to their story. I have to try and be consistent with the punishment and follow through. My main flaw I must admit.

For great advice on Sibling Rivalry get a free report Click Here!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Child Behavior and Mommy Craziness

These past few weeks I feel like I have been under so much stress. Here I have a blog on being a successful parent and I feel like I have been failing as a parent. My kids have been driving me so crazy. I just feel like I have been yelling more than being a positive supportive parent. They have not been following directions and they have been fighting like crazy. They torture our poor dog all the time and I feel like I am yelling at them more to leave the dog alone. School starts in three more weeks and maybe that will help. I just get so frustrated when I have to tell them to not do something or to go and do something like ten times. COME ON! My daughter has been acting out so much and acts like she is younger then my three year old. She is six. After I get so angry with them, I then feel so guilty and feel like I am the worse mom in the world and that I am failing them as a parent. I know you can read many articles about being a successful parent or a positive parent but it really has to come from within. It takes alot of patience and it does not happen overnight. We all can lose our cool every now and then. I understand not everyone is perfect but I still cannot help but be hard on myself.

Oh yeah and I am due in about 3-5 weeks depending on if this baby comes early like the other two. I feel like I am more scared to give birth this time than the last two times. I feel so totally unprepared. This pregnancy went by so fast. I hardly had time to really think about it with working full time, going to school, being a mom, having responsibilities at church and trying to start up a home business, so I do not have to return back to work after this one is born.

I just hope this weekend gets better and I can keep my cool because I think all my stress is effecting my childrens behavior.

What's Behind the "Terrible Twos"

By the editors of Child magazine

Despite their reputation, toddlers usually exhibit only sporadic periods of difficulty. We explain what causes the outbursts.

Although you have probably heard of the "terrible twos," there are, in fact, only intermittent periods of difficulty. The interval between 18 and 21 months often brings temper tantrums and defiance, but these behaviors usually subside by the second birthday. Then, starting at roughly 2 1/2, your child may enter a period of extremes. Some days, she'll be sunny and helpful. At other times, temper tantrums, whining, and defiance will prevail. The situation usually worsens with fatigue or a change in your child's daily or nightly routine.

What's behind these dramatic mood swings? Most outbursts result from sheer frustration. Increasingly, your 2-year-old feels a powerful need to be independent. But in most situations, she's unable to control her environment or be self-reliant, and she lacks the reasoning ability to come to terms with the situation.

After all, why should she have to go to bed when you tell her to? She can't yet understand most cause-and-effect relationships, such as the fact that a lack of sleep will make her tired.
Your 2-year-old doesn't win high marks for keeping her feelings in check, either. She truly is an open book, and that is part of her charm. Is she happy? Everyone around her will know it as she spreads good cheer. Is she less than pleased? That's plain to those witnessing tears or a tantrum. At this stage, though progressing in the right direction, she still lacks mastery over her emotions.

Instead of viewing a 2-year-old as "terrible," then, rejoice in the fact that all the frenetic energy, defiance, and self-preoccupation that come at this age are part of normal, healthy development. Arm yourself with the tools of the toddler-parenting trade: a well-developed sense of humor, patience, an abundance of love and reassurance, firmness as needed, and, above all, consistency. And remember, the most effective way a toddler learns rules is by breaking them, so her attempts to defy you can actually afford you many opportunities to teach. The best lesson you can impart at these times is to help your child understand that her actions have consequences, that she can be effective in her behavior. Have patience and be consistent, and soon she'll come to differentiate the good consequences from the bad.

For more information about the "Terrible Twos" and parenting toddlers
Click Here!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Helping children to sleep in their own bed throughout the night.

I am a mom of a 6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. We allowed them to sleep in our bed for too long. They would start off in their beds but in the middle of the night we would have a dog and two kids in bed with us. I'm pregnant and due in about 4-6 weeks. I was getting to uncomfortable in the middle of the night being cramped between two kids and a dog at my feet. So at the beginning of summer I told them for each time they slept in their own bed all night they get a sticker. We kept track on the calendar and for each week if they slept in their own bed for 4 nights then they got an ice cream from the ice cream man. It only worked for a few weeks and then the ice cream man was getting expensive. So now they both want new backpacks for school. That is their prize if they can continue sleeping in their own bed. If only some nights they both can sleep in their own bed all night. It is hard to bribe the dog she sneaks up and I have to kick her off.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Anger Managment with Children

By Jamie Sullivan
I'm going to reveal to you why it is so IMPORTANT that you teach
your child about anger management right from young.

In fact, it's a MUST DO thing for you!

** Did the idea of teaching your child about anger management
ever crossed your mind?

** If it didn't cross your mind before, why? Were you too busy?
Or you think it's not important?

You know the answer better than me.

** If it did cross your mind before, have you taken any actions on it?

Don't worry if it didn't cross your mind before, or you have not
started doing anything yet. Some say, it's better to be late
than never.

Check out this e book CLICK HERE

You’ll learn about why it is so IMPORTANT
for you to teach your child about anger management starting from
when they are young. The younger they are, the better it will be.

I'll explain to you what MAJOR differences and changes it will
bring to your child and their behavior if they are taught anger
right from young.

Don't be surprised that you actually overlooked some of the points that I brought in this amazing book.


And if you haven't read Child Anger Revealed eBook yet, then CLICK HERE and
discover how you can deal
with your child's aggressive nature, you'll want to go ahead and
do that now.

Jamie Sullivan

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pregnancy, child behavior and beyond

So this week has been a tough time for me. On Sunday, at 6:30 am I went outside because I realized that we forgot to take the cans off the sprinkler heads of our rainbirds. We have already had to replace three this summer due to the dog trying to bite at them and the kids kicking balls and driving cars into the. So when we are outside playing we cover them with coffee cans. So I went outside while the sprinkler was running, because it is on a timer, I took the can off and tried to run away from the sprinkler the ground was so wet and slippery that I fell foward onto my pregnant stomach and slid forward like being on a slip and slide. I'm sure anybody who was watching probably could have got a good laugh. It hurt pretty bad and I went inside to realize that my husband who works nights was to tired to even care and I tried to lay down but then my three year old woke up and was ready for breakfast and to start his day. So my belly was achy and I did not feel the baby move for a while. My doctor the next day said everything was fine. The heart beat was fine and the baby was moving the whole time I was there.

My two children ages 6 and 3 have been fighting non stop and driving me absolutely crazy. My oldest, she has been so angry and emotional this week. She gets so frusterated and automatically hurts her brother, herself or breaks something. My three year old does not help much because he likes to egg her on and irritate her more. He thinks it is funny. So then I'm stressed out because they are fighting. Sibling Rivalary what to do.

This week for family day we went to a Zoo in Folsom. It is a animal recovery zoo. So they get animals that have been injured and help them out. My sons favorites where the tigers and bears.

We also went for a little train ride while we were there and played at the park for awhile. We came home and BBQ'd hamburgers, corn and salad. It was a wonderful day.

I am in the process of trying to get an internet marketing business running from home so I can stay at home after the baby is born and get my husband to hopefully switch his shift to days so we can have more time as a family. He works six nights a week as soon as I get home from work. Plus we have alot of bills to pay for, especially hospital bills and more to come.

If any of you are successful online with a marketing business please give me some tips. I would so appreciate it.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Terrible Twos - Toddler Tantrums

article by
Valerie Powers
from the Orlando Early Childhood Parenting Examiner

Recently, a celebrity likened having a toddler, to being around a "miniature drunk," all of the time. He was spot on with that assessment, because it is true. Irrational, clingy, boisterous, irresponsible and stumbling into things; this describes toddlerhood. 24/7. You can also expect odd behaviors such as undressing, undiapering (ick!), yelling, hitting...the list of naughtiness really is limitless. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it's stressful. How you cope with this time, well, that's another thing.
Parents should know that the dreaded "terrible twos" are actually completely normal developmentally, for your child. Dr. Greene, a renowned pediatrician, says that children at this age are still learning to make appropriate choices. And by limiting some of their options; you will curb some (not all) of their tantrums. Frequently, these outbursts of unruly behavior are caused by your toddler's inability to articulate themselves; they grow frustrated and react boldly.
Something to keep in mind, is that this "terrible" time can extend into age three (or it can commence before age two). Here are some tips for curtailing tantrums and unruly behavior:
  • Set a routine each day, and stick to it - this gives your toddler some normalcy
  • Limit sugary snacks and offer up healthy foods to keep blood sugar regulated
  • Offer limited choices for each quandary; this eliminates some arguing
  • Set limits, and be prepared to offer up consequences when these limits are pushed (such as implementing a time-out or toy removal policy)
  • Toddler-proof your environment to avoid scuffles
Now is the time to really connect with your little one and focus on building communication skills. Some folks insist that Baby Sign Language, is the key to building your child's vocabulary, emotional and intellectual development. Additionally, proponents of Baby Sign Language tout the benefits of BSL helping to eliminate tantrums; it is said that the improved communication between parent/baby will enhance relationships.
If you find yourself in the throes of a tantrum, experts recommend that you remain calm. Refrain from yelling and getting visibly upset. It is said parents should be consistent with their reactions to their toddler's tantrums and behavior; this helps calm your toddler down. For those of you coping with a toddler that was born prematurely; know that your wee one will still go through this phase at some point - it will just probably be delayed depending upon your child's corrected age.

Parents should go easy on their toddler during this tumultuous time; remember that your wee one is mastering skills such as: coordination, eating independently, dressing, potty-training and more. That is a lot for a little person to cope with, so be patient.
Be sure to give yourself a break - and your toddler, too. Send your child to visit grandparents for the weekend, and take the time to relax and get rejuvenated. Toddlers also crave a change of pace and scenery, so an occasional break for each of you is definitely a healthy bet. And remember: toddlerhood is just a stage of development, so embrace the goodness that comes along with it, too...before it's long gone!

For more info click here

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Maternity Acupressure - Naturally Induce Labor

Acupressure induced labor visit here

Article by
by Jessica Hudson

Labor Inducing Eggplant Parmesan
One of the methods of self-inducing labor that's been sweeping the internet in recent years is the myth that eggplant will start labor. This maternity myth started when a news story began circulating about a restaurant in Georgia named Scalini's. Apparently the mothers of over 300 babies have gone into labor in the past 23 years, within 48 hours of eating the eggplant parmegiana.
The funny part is, it may just be that the dish causes the women to go into labor, but it's not the eggplant. The herbs Oregano and Basil have properties that may cause contractions, though it is not yet known how or in what quantities. This is why, in aromatherapy circles, these herbs and essential oils are to be avoided whenever possible during pregnancy.
Sex to Induce Labor
Semen contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins cause the cervix to "ripen", or soften and prepare to open. While it is debatable whether there are enough prostaglandins in semen to have any real effect, it is not a terrible way to keep hope alive and while away the last weeks of your pregnancy. Another great side effect is the fact that orgasms produce oxytocin, the hormone that causes contractions. So, between the two, there is a pretty good case for the cure for pregnancy.
Evening Primrose Oil and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Neither will actually induce labor. While some lay midwives will argue that statement about the Evening Primrose, which is the reason it is not recommended until 36 weeks or "full term", almost all sources with experience agree that it does nothing that the body was not ready to do on its own. I will repeat this at the end of this section, to make sure you understand this, as there is a lot of confusion and misconception surrounding these two substances.
Evening primrose oil is an excellent source of prostaglandins, which we already determined readies your cervix for labor. It can be taken orally as soon as 34 weeks, and can be applied directly to the cervix at full term (36 weeks). The general recommendation is two 500mg capsules per day until week 38, at which time you increase to 3-4 per day. The entire capsule can be inserted vaginally (inserted just before bed, it will dissolve before the first time you wake to use the bathroom), or you can use the oil on your fingers for your perineal massage, then also rub on your cervix (assuming you can reach it). Applying directly to the cervix is optimal, but the beneficial ingredients are absorbed through the external skin or the stomach also.
Red raspberry leaf tea is a uterine tonic used by Native Americans for thousands of years. It tones your uterus by helping to "focus" your Braxton Hicks contractions. Think of its job as helping your uterus do more effective exercising while you are pregnant. It does not "cause" contractions and can be safely used throughout pregnancy. It is contraindicated for those having complications "just in case", however, by most doctors who do not understand its use. Many women safely use it from the moment they learn they are pregnant at six weeks until months after delivery. (It helps to tone the uterus after delivery as well, shrinking it back to size more quickly and reducing bleeding.)
Again, neither of these actually causes labor to start!
Castor Oil to Bring on Labor
First let me just say that I do not recommend this method. That is because I used it with my second child and it was just about the most horrible mistake I could have made (other than maybe getting another epidural, anyway).
The theory behind this induction method is that the castor oil causes diarrhea and the diarrheal cramps cause sympathetic cramping in your uterus, another smooth muscle. This is another of the methods that "won't work if you're not already ready anyway", as the sympathetic cramping will be ineffectual if all conditions are not already optimal for labor. In my case, my contractions began 10 minutes after my first dose of oil, hours before the diarrhea began. Therefore, it could not have been the castor oil that brought on labor in my case, and I caused myself all that trouble for nothing.
There has been much debate over whether taking castor oil to induce labor will cause the baby to have its first bowel movement in the womb before birth. This pre-birth bowel movement, called meconium, can be dangerous, because if baby inhales some of it it can cause pneumonia in the lungs. Meconium is also a widely-held signal that the baby is in some sort of distress. Most professionals with any experience with castor oil inductions agree that this is untrue. They have found that there is no increased occurrence of meconium in castor oil induced labors over spontaneous labors.
The real danger lies in the mother when using castor oil for labor induction. With the severity of the diarrhea, a laboring woman can quickly become dehydrated. Especially in a typically highly managed hospital birth where a woman is allowed few fluids. Dehydration makes one tired and less able to endure through physical activity. Plus, not only does this endanger breastfeeding (proper hydration is necessary to make adequate milk), but a dehydrated uterus is an aggravated uterus, and an aggravated uterus causes more pain for the mother. More pain makes a woman less able to handle natural child birth and puts her and the baby at increased risk for a snowball of interventions.
Nipple Stimulation to Self-induce
This is a practice often recommended by midwives when a woman is long past due or when labor is stalled. Nipple stimulation causes the release of oxytocin, the same hormone that causes uterine contractions. Many women report, however, that the contractions produced from this method are much stronger and more painful than natural labor, but are not any more effective. Please note: In order to use this method for induction, you must stimulate the nipples for long periods of time. The usual recommendation is 15 minutes of continual stimulation on each nipple each hour for several hours. So, the amount of stimulation you may experience during intimacy, while nursing an older child, or while pumping your breasts while pregnant will not cause you to go into labor. The general recommendation on these activities is to abstain from them when your condition warrants doctor recommended pelvic rest. Please check with your practitioner before trying this.
Acupressure/Acupuncture for Inducing or Augmenting Labor
more on Acupressure visit here
There are two points on your body that will cause uterine contractions. They are always warned against during pregnancy, though they are widely believed to be another labor inducing method that will not work if you are not already ready to deliver. These points are about four finger-widths above the inner ankle on your calf, and in the webbing between your thumb and forefinger. You will know when you've found the spot because it will be very sore. You rub your calf, or pinch the webbing on your hand, in a circular motion for 30-60 second at a time, taking 1-2 minute breaks in between.
Stripping Membranes
There is a procedure your doctor or midwife can perform called "stripping" or "sweeping" your membranes. The healthcare professional will insert their finger(s) into your cervix and sweep from side to side, pulling the membranes (bag of water) away from the mouth of the cervix and the lower uterus, and in the process stretching and irritating your cervix. Sometimes this will generate local production of prostaglandins and enough of the necessary hormones to start labor. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 attempts to begin labor. Many women find this to be a very uncomfortable, if not painful, procedure. This is a medical intervention and should be taken as seriously as any medical induction method.
Herbs and Homeopathic Remedies
All substances that would fall in this category, such as Blue and Black Cohosh are general considered to be as unsafe as medical interventions, and if they are to be used must be used only under the recommendation and supervision of your doctor or midwife.

For more info on natural Labor induction visit