Thursday, August 13, 2009

Child Behavior and Mommy Craziness

These past few weeks I feel like I have been under so much stress. Here I have a blog on being a successful parent and I feel like I have been failing as a parent. My kids have been driving me so crazy. I just feel like I have been yelling more than being a positive supportive parent. They have not been following directions and they have been fighting like crazy. They torture our poor dog all the time and I feel like I am yelling at them more to leave the dog alone. School starts in three more weeks and maybe that will help. I just get so frustrated when I have to tell them to not do something or to go and do something like ten times. COME ON! My daughter has been acting out so much and acts like she is younger then my three year old. She is six. After I get so angry with them, I then feel so guilty and feel like I am the worse mom in the world and that I am failing them as a parent. I know you can read many articles about being a successful parent or a positive parent but it really has to come from within. It takes alot of patience and it does not happen overnight. We all can lose our cool every now and then. I understand not everyone is perfect but I still cannot help but be hard on myself.

Oh yeah and I am due in about 3-5 weeks depending on if this baby comes early like the other two. I feel like I am more scared to give birth this time than the last two times. I feel so totally unprepared. This pregnancy went by so fast. I hardly had time to really think about it with working full time, going to school, being a mom, having responsibilities at church and trying to start up a home business, so I do not have to return back to work after this one is born.

I just hope this weekend gets better and I can keep my cool because I think all my stress is effecting my childrens behavior.

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