Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dealing with Sibling Rivalry - Kids Fighting

Sibling Rivalry - Do your kids get along all the time? If they do you are extremely lucky. My kids fight all the time. They have a serious love-hate relationship. They call each other names and they hit and hurt each other. My son loves to push my daughters buttons and irritate her like crazy. He will find something she doesn't like. For example if saying the word "Pooh Pooh" is bugging her he will say it again and again, following her around the house. She then freaks out yelling and screaming and eventually hurting him.
When ever my son is playing by himself my daughter has to come over and take over on what he is playing with and start bossing him around. They have to fight over who got served their dinner first, what to watch on tv, toys they are playing with and so on. They are competing for toys and attention. It is very exhausting and stressful.
So many times I try and just let them work it out themselves, but that can be very difficult sometimes, especially if you do not want anybody getting hurt and than dealing with the crying. Sometimes there needs to be some parent intervention. I try to be fair when I intervene and listen to their story. I have to try and be consistent with the punishment and follow through. My main flaw I must admit.

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